SDI Meeting 5 13 23 “The Way Up Is the Way Down,” or “Fun with Eros and Agape” - KarenVoorhees

“We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

T. S. Eliot “Four Quartets”

You are invited to join Dr. Karen Voorhees in a playful yet deeply felt exploration of the Great Mystery: how did we get here and where is it all going?

The world’s wisdom traditions all seem to tell of an emanation from some creative Source into this universe of space-time in which we find ourselves. The same wisdom traditions also speak of a return to that Source. Efflux and Reflux. Eros and Agape. Involution and Evolution. This core story has taken many different specific forms over the millennia, varying from culture to culture, but they all seem to be saying the same thing: we return along the same route we emerged. In Ken Wilber’s words, the way up is the way down. Today we tend to tell ourselves the story via rational constructs such as implicate order, evolution of form and consciousness, and theories of chaos and complexity.

Can we get a felt sense of whatever reality underlies all these stories? Dr. Voorhees will draw on several aspects of her personality -- the disciplined scholar, the Ken Wilber student, the long-time meditator, and the creative visionary -- to guide us through a group exploration. There will be several brief meditations and break-out discussion groups.


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