
Sexuality Series (Ep. 11: Karen Voorhees)

To shake things up a little on The Integral Stage, we are dropping down a few chakras to explore all the ins and outs of awakened sexuality, conscious relationship, and sensuously embodied spiritual practice.

For the eleventh episode of the Sexuality Series, Karen Voorhees joins Layman Pascal to talk about the question, "Where are the women in the Integral (and Metamodern, GameB, and other higher discourse) spaces?" And they do feel out the question from multiple positions, but it turns out that was just foreplay for a full-on intellectual romp -- through questions on gender polarities, evolutionary transitions, deep history, The Lord of the Rings, titanic nerds, consciousness transformation, transhumanism and the epochal changes ahead, playing our "A Game" to usher in Game B, and much more. And she closes with a bawdy song!


Sexuality Series (Ep. 14: Karen Voorhees, Pt. 2)